The film Sooryvanshi, starring Akshay Kumar has been making a killing ever since it was released in theaters back at the beginning of this month. One of the most popular new releases, people eagerly awaited its release due to nationwide quarantine and needless desires for something other than their current surroundings. It did live up to those high expectations – among all new Bollywood releases this week, only Raaz Reboot made more money than Sooryvanshi. Considering how much people want fresh content when they’ve been locked away from anything outside of their home for days or weeks on end, this isn’t very surprising at all.
From its staggering openings, Sooryvanshi proved to us what Akshay can do when he is given free reign over his own film. Opening up with a total earnings of Rs 77 crores and placing fourth on his list of best opening weekends – beaten by the blockbuster hits such as Mission Mangal (Rs 97.6 cr), 2.0 (Rs 97.2cr), and Kesari (Rs 78 cr) – shows that although it might not have been as successful overall there are definite signs of hope in future ventures from the actor who always gives you stories without fail every few years or so.
Additionally, despite dwindling numbers during Monday cinema attendance rates, data predicted an equal amount for how long Sooryavanshi would stay at cinemas; managing to make enough money week after week until people stopped coming or it was pulled off screens altogether.
Akshay Kumar’s Top 10 Highest Opening Weekend Grossers at a glance:
Mission Mangal – Rs. 97.56 cr
2.0 – Rs. 97.25 cr
Kesari – Rs. 78.07 cr
Sooryavanshi – Rs. 77.08 cr
Gold – Rs. 70.05 cr
Good Newwz – Rs. 65.99 cr
Singh is Blling – Rs. 54.44 cr
Housefull 3 – Rs. 53.31 cr
Brothers – Rs. 52.08 cr
Toilet- Ek Prem Katha – Rs. 51.45 cr