In just 12 days, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 has gone past the lifetime collections of Gangubai Kathiawadi. The Alia Bhatt starrer had collected Rs. 129.10 crores in its overall run and that was quite good in itself considering it is the first major film to have been released after the pandemic and there haven’t been any films as popular since then. Furthermore, cinemas were only just starting to open up again which meant that this film ran at 100% occupancy for the entire duration of its release date – something no other film has done before now!
With Bhaagamathie 2 having released, it was not facing any of these issues. But the problem was bigger and of a different kind – audiences just no longer came to cinemas for most movies. In this way, it became more challenging for a new movie to do well, with all eyes on whether Kartik Aaryan’s latest release would manage to bring people back into theaters. Everyone wondered what could happen next? If this blockbuster didn’t succeed than maybe nothing else could succeed either.
The great news was that Kartik Aaryan really put his all into this film, and in turn has received rave reviews for a job well done. On the 12th day of being released at theaters it still continues to collect well to the tune of 4.85 crores which means that we can expect an estimated 8-9 crores more before the end of the weekend, thus bringing its total earnings so far up to 133.09 crore rupees!
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources