The Anees Bazmee movie Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 starred Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani, released two weeks ago, has seen success so far. Critics and audience members alike gave it positive feedback after watching the film which left a robust footprint at the box office during its opening weekend. From there on out, theaters around Delhi NCR continued to sell tickets for the Bhushan Kumar – Murad Khetani production until being able to maintain steady viewership up until now. As time went by, people in India became more aware of this blockbuster hit continuing to make waves due to how solidly it has been holding onto audiences over the past few days with each week day staying consistent without fail.
For those who have been waiting for a release outside of the West, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 presents its Hindi debut. Starting off with an impressive Rs. 4.21 crore on Day 14, the movie currently sits at number four in list of highest second Thursday collections in Indian cinema this year behind mega blockbusters such as KGF (2) and The Kashmir Files . What sets it apart from its competitors though is how much it has managed to make considering how little time it has been released thus far. This Friday (1 April), Vinayak Chadha productions’ expectations for high single day figures for all three days combined will depend heavily on whether first week numbers can be met or exceeded due to competition from bigger movies releasing tomorrow(2 April).
Going forward, it is predicted that the business of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 will see a drop in collections over its third weekend especially since the film will face competition from three new releases viz. Samrat Prithviraj, Major and Vikram – Hitlist. Despite the plethora of films coming out this coming weekend, trade remains hopeful predicting that Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 can make up for losses during its third weekend by collecting Rs. 141.75 crores (approx.) which could take them up to the 150 crore mark before closing out at approximately 190 crore total collection.
Top 5 Highest Second Thursday Grossers at a glance:
The Kashmir Files – Rs. 7.20 cr
K.G.F – Chapter 2 – Rs. 5.68 cr
RRR – Rs. 5 cr
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 – Rs. 4.21 cr
Gangubai Kathiawadi – Rs. 2.65 cr