On Monday, Ujda Chaman experienced a steep decline in its collection to Rs. 90 lacs from the previous Friday’s tally of Rs. 2.35 crores. Despite being below the benchmark of Rs. 2 crores for that week, an average turnout could still provide it with the required push and set a more positive outlook ahead of Bala’s release next week.
To date, Sunny Singh’s film has gathered Rs. 10.16 crores, which should have been the absolute minimum over the weekend.
Saand Ki Aankh showed an improvement of Rs. 0.80 crore on Monday compared to its previous day collection. Despite a slight decrease, the movie still has a decent turnout over weekdays, starting with Friday’s Rs. 1.28 crores box office numbers.
The Taapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pednekar starrer has collected Rs. 17.96 crores so far and by the time the second week is through, Rs. 20 crores mark would have been easily crossed. That said, the film still needs to collect more and for that it has to be in the running for at least two more weeks.