After months of discussion and eager anticipation, Farhad Samji’s Housefull 4, led by Akshay Kumar, was released in theaters. Despite the heavy publicity the film has received, the million dollar question remains: will its box office earnings match its promotion?
In this analysis, we examine the revenue generated by Housefull 4 abroad on its 11th day of screening (Monday).
Australia box office
22,012 USD [Rs. 15.58 lacs] from 37 screens
New Zealand box office
13,001 USD [Rs. 9.20 lacs] from 18 screens
U.K box office
13,188 USD [Rs. 9.33 lacs] from 37 screens
U.S.A box office
24,118 USD [Rs. 17.07 lacs] from 200 screens
Canada box office
10,967 USD [Rs. 7.76 lacs] from 30 screens