Over the past few days, there has been much acclaim for Rohit Shetty’s recent directorial venture Sooryavanshi – starring Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif. The film had a commendable opening weekend run, earning Rs. 10 crores domestically. However, it was thanks to an outstanding performance during the second weekend that raised revenue for the movie to over Rs. 30 crores (approximately $4 million US).
In this box office report, we take a look at the second weekend collection of ‘Sooryavanshi’ when compared to other movies from 2021 that reached their second weekend in theaters. By collecting Rs.30.57 crore on its 2nd weekdays, ‘Sooryavanshi’ became the highest-grossing movie for 2nd weekdays of 2021. Ironically, business for ‘Sooryavanshi’, one of the most anticipated films this year – overtook the other movies such as Bellbottom (Rs.7.08 crores), Roohi (Rs.4.15 crores) and Mumbai Saga (Rs 10 crores) during the 2nd weekdays too.
Currently running in theaters yet attracting lesser crowd than before, ‘Sooryavanshi,’ which was released first post-second lockdown after notification took place has been meeting expectations despite little competition from local Indian cinema due to shutdowns.
Top Highest Second Weekend Grossers of 2021 at a glance:
Sooryavanshi – Rs. 30.57 cr
Bellbottom – Rs. 7.08 cr
Roohi – Rs. 4.15 cr
Mumbai Saga – Rs. 3.10 cr