Recently, there was a hotly anticipated release of the much talked about film Eternals. It had plenty of stellar actors and was expected to do well at the box office. It did what it promised – drawing in Rs 7.27 crores after opening with a bang. In its second week, it pulled in even more money than it had before – now totaling over Rs 34 crores thanks to all those excited viewers out there!
Given the competition it faced from other Indian releases such as Akshay Kumar’s Sooryavanshi, the business of Eternals was rather decent. With Sooryavanshi gathering rave reviews and praise from both audiences and critics alike, however, the income for Eternals dwindled drastically. Below are the day-by-day earnings for Eternals across India.
Day 1 – 7.35 cr.
Day 2 – 5.75 cr.
Day 3 – 6.05 cr.
Day 4 – 2.5 cr.
Day 5 – 2 cr.
Day 6 – 1.8 cr.
Day 7 – 2 cr.
Day 8 – 1.18 cr.
Day 9 – 1.97 cr.
Day 10 – 2.32 cr.
Day 11 – 0.6 cr.
Day 12 – 0.48 cr.
Day 13 – 0.4 cr.
Day 14 – 0.32 cr.