The Akshay Kumar starrer Sooryavanshi starring a while back has been doing exceedingly well at the box office. In an industry where it’s rare for a film to do exceptionally well post-lockdown, this is a major achievement – not only being one of the few big ticket Bollywood movies but also because it was released soon after some recent tragedies. Taking off with a bang and continuing to see soaring numbers into its second week in theaters, it’s no surprise that Sooryavanshi made over Rs255 crore worldwide. This is far more than what other top stars such as Salman Khan and Shahrukh Khan made in their most recent releases.
Apart from Bodyguard and Jab Tak Hai Jaan, the Rohit Shetty directed film; Sooryavanshi has also managed to outperform other releases like Baaghi 2 that collected Rs. 254.33 cr., Dabangg 2 that collected Rs. 253.54 cr. But with Sooryavanshi still holding strong in both the domestic and overseas markets expectations are that the business of the film will continue to grow even more than expected! In fact, it will come as no surprise if the business of Sooryavanshi surpasses the collections of Rajinikanth-Akshay Kumar starrer 2.0 which had collected Rs 271.99 crore in just this short time frame so far!