The Mahesh Manjrekar directed film Antim – The Final Truth released a few weeks ago. Featuring Salman Khan and brother-in-law Aayush Sharma in leading roles the film opened on a good note. With immense hype surrounding the film and constant promotions, the box office business of Antim reflected positive numbers. On its second Saturday running, Antim experienced solid growth spurt with Rs. 1.76 cr coming in.
Although it saw an increase from its second Friday collections of Rs. 1.25 cr – what matters is that Antim was up against two other new releases at theaters – one being Sooryavanshi and another Tadap which had been making headlines for two days now for it’s release date coinciding with Amitabh Bachchan’ 74th birthday anniversary (which also falls on Tuesday).
The Total collections of Antim – The Final Truth are pegged at Rs. 32.36 crores trade state that the Mahesh Manjrekar directed action drama is doing business in the mid-range and this has been sufficient enough to declare it a profit making venture. With Salman Khan on board from the beginning, the expectations were always going to be high; but still, since this was pitched as an Aayush Sharma starrer, what he has achieved so far is satisfactory for now and will most likely allow him too reach his lifetime goal of over Rs. 40 crores by the end of this film.