After five days of being shown in theatres, Dabangg 3 has finally reached the 100 Crore Club. Collecting 12 crore rupees yesterday alone and bringing its grand total to 103.85 crore rupees, it seems no force can stop this film from continuing to grow. Even though we would’ve anticipated an increase in people coming out for showings since it was Christmas Eve – thankfully that didn’t happen!
Today will likely see an increase in numbers again because of Christmas, but it remains to be seen how high the number will climb. Nevertheless, Salman Khan’s latest release seems to be performing well among audiences in villages as opposed to major urban areas; his fans tend not to head to theaters over the holidays, instead waiting for its eventual release in small towns.
For a Salman Khan film to reach 100 million rupees after 5 days is difficult. Usually, his films earn this amount within three days; but Christmas will help the situation because Wednesday was halfway through the week. This would give the first 7-days of screening an overall decent revenue.