There will be more than one way to remove unwanted hair. Some will decide to stick with traditional methods, while others embrace a modern practice that uses the best in removal technology.
With IPL brands and laser therapies entering the discussion, everyday people are learning about their efficacy and value when it comes to safely removing hair.
It offers a perfect opportunity to discuss the value of updated practices and compare them to traditional exercises.
Dealing With Costs
Before participants take note of the role of machines with their hair removal needs, they want to assess the cost of each method. Without question, the application of some wax and shaving cream will be more affordable in the immediate term. However, expanding this activity over the span of months and years for regular exercises will start to add up. The intervention of laser therapies and IPL models are engaged less frequently and ensure a lower threshold of use, making them more cost effective in the long-term.
Customer Safety
Thankfully the use of a state-of-the-art hair removal machines provides users with a safe, seamless and painless procedure. The method of the laser application is subtle in nature as it strategically removes follicles. The same type of assurance is not evident with shaving and wax. Here is where community members experience pain, discomfort and risks of cuts and skin irritation.
Long-Term Efficiency
Attempting to find an effortless hair removal routine has never been easier with machine advancement. The use of IPL models emits wavelengths that absorb melanin in the hair. What does this achieve? It inhibits future follicle growth. With enough focus, it can be permanent. This is simply not the case with regular activities like waxing and shaving as the hair will soon return.
Specific Hair Targeting
A laser hair removal utility will offer key precision for the user. They will be able to identify problem areas and carefully remove hair at their own convenience. There are no disadvantages to speak of with traditional methods, so long as the individual has reach. Finding those same spots around the body can be a challenge for a shave or wax without a complete view with the aid of a mirror.
Handling Skin Sensitivity
Unlocking the secrets of safe hair removal becomes so much easier to manage with laser technologies and IPL designs. There will be community members who suffer from rashes and sensitive skin ailments who require a specific solution catered to their needs. General shaving creams and waxes are geared for generic use, failing to take into account those factors under most scenarios.
Community Reception
Like with any product or service, there will be a mixture in reception for modern and traditional hair removal treatments. What has been enlightening in recent times when assessing the value of the latest in hair removal therapies is a pleasant response. These advanced machines are designed for at-home use. The technology is no longer exclusive to just premium members at selective clinics. With plenty of 5-star reviews and positive word-of-mouth referrals, the trend is shifting away from older hair removal processes.
There is little question that IPL treatments and laser therapies offer far more convenience for the user than waxing and shaving. Those options will continue to have a role to play, but the range of outcomes and effectiveness of these brands are lending credibility to a change of hair removal behaviour.