The hotly debated, long awaited Salman Khan-starred Dabangg 3 finally opened for screening this week. Direction was handled by Prabhu Dheva who many are touting as being one of the best directors currently working in Bollywood. This release is undoubtedly going to bring some major numbers at the box office but whether or not it’ll do well enough is up for debate.
In this Box Office Report, we will take a look at the numbers for Dabangg 3 in overseas markets on Day 11 of its release.
Australia box office
17,603 USD [Rs. 12.54 lacs] from 39 screens
New Zealand box office
6,235 USD [Rs. 4.44 lacs] from 14 screens
U.K box office
30,713 USD [Rs. 21.88 lacs] from 43 screens
U.S.A box office
36,443 USD [Rs. 25.96 lacs] from 187 screens
Canada box office
17,469 USD [Rs. 12.44 lacs] from 22 screens