Mardaani 2 starring Rani Mukerjee has done well at the box office since it opened. It scored high with both critics and audiences alike, which translated into a successful opening weekend for the film. Almost one week after its release, Mardaani 2 garnered about Rs 46 crore in revenues so far. This article takes a look at the economic aspects of Mardaani 2 to analyze whether or not it was profitable for its producers.
On a production budget of Rs. 27 crore [cost of Production (CoP) Rs. 20 cr. + Print & Publicity (P&A) Rs. 7 cr.] Mardaani 2 has collected approximately Rs. 46 crores at the domestic box office, from which the filmmakers stand to make over 20 crore rupees as distributor share money alone. This coupled withRs. 4.78 crores as distributor share money earned overseas andRs 25 crore when it comes to satellite and digital rights, one can see how much financial profits are being made by Yash Raj Films for this project -Rs 50 crore in total just for this movie alone!
After deducting the initial cost of Rs. 27 crores, Yash Raj Films stands to make a pure profit of Rs. 23.48 crores after an 86.96% Return on Investment (RoI) with Mardaani 2 being such a successful venture for them – which is evident from these numbers alone given how they had previously been able to earn almost 170 crores this year off War starring Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff, respectively.
Economics of Mardaani 2
Cost Of Production – 20 Cr.
Cost Of Prints and Publicity (P&A) – 7 Cr.
India Theatrical Box Office – 46 Cr. (Expected)
Distributor’s share (A) – 20.70 Cr.
Overseas Theatrical Box Office – 10.62 Cr. (Expected)
Distributor’s share (B) – 4.78 Cr.
Satellite, Audio and Digital (C) – 25 Cr.
PROFIT – 23.48 Cr.
The Box-Office Figures are collected from credible sources and our own research. They may or may not be exact but they give you an idea of how the films did at theaters.