As soon as Kareena Kapoor Khan and Akshay Kumar appeared on screen together in the Bollywood movie Good News, they were met with rave reviews. At first it didn’t seem like much of a success; but only a few days later things changed drastically when people started coming out left and right to see their favorite stars on screen together again. And so did the business deal climb up for Raj Mehta’s newest creation- proving that everyone wants to see what he has done next!
Notably, looking at the global earnings for Good News, what stands out most prominently is the fact that the business for this film has exceeded those of Salman Khan’s Dabangg 3 in all areas. Notably, in the North American market – an area where Good News has grossed Rs. 28.30 cr – which surpasses Dabangg 3’s total grossing of Rs. 20.76 cr. Similarly in other areas such as Europe (UK and Ireland), Oceania (Australia) and South East Asia (New Zealand), Good News manages to maintain a lead ranging from Rs. 0.42 crores to over Rs. 1 crore when compared with Dabangg 3–it even remains running in both domestic and international markets! Given this info–and given how there are no new releases until December–it can be surmised that Akshay Kumar-starrer will widen its margin in coming days.
North America
Good Newwz – 39,29,340 USD [Rs. 28.30 cr.]
Dabangg 3 – 28,83,161 USD [Rs. 20.76 cr.]
UK & Ireland
Good Newwz – 7,34,843 £ [Rs. 6.93 cr.]
Dabangg 3 – 6,13,207 £ [Rs. 5.79 cr.]
Good Newwz – 12,57,262 A$ [Rs. 6.3 cr.]
Dabangg 3 – 9,54,320 A$ [Rs. 4.78 cr.]
New Zealand
Good Newwz – 4,78,657 NZ$ [Rs. 2.29 cr.]
Dabangg 3 – 3,89,759 NZ$ [Rs. 1.87 cr.]