Although collections for the film stayed low on Thursday, coming in at just under 50% of the movie’s earnings from Sunday, it remained steady. On Monday, collections were Rs. 8.10 crores whereas earnings from Wednesday came to Rs. 4.77 crores- an unsurprising but still promising holdover period for an edge-of-your-seat thriller like this one. As of now, the film has collected an incredible amount and by the end of its second week will cross over Rs 180 crore ($20 million).
Given how quickly this movie has made its way up to $200 million in box office sales, it’s truly a groundbreaking accomplishment – especially considering how many films take years or never even reach that much money despite being critically acclaimed films themselves.
Next up, Akshay Kumar would play an intense role in a film called Sooryavanshi, directed by Karan Johar. All eyes will be on Rohit Shetty’s latest blockbuster to see if it’ll do well at the box office. Though this movie caters to both mainstream and class audiences, so as long as they can reach out to both crowds – sky’s the limit!
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources