The long-awaited Ajay Devgn – Saif Ali Khan starring film, Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior finally opened in cinemas around the world after a week of anticipation. Positive reviews came pouring in for this warrior-focused movie directed by Om Raut but many people still question whether or not it will do well at the box office. On Day Four of its release, reports show that even though there were only 660 screens playing the film overseas, it had earned $2 million and ranked sixth on worldwide charts – so far.
Australia box office
30,346 USD [Rs. 21.50 lacs] from 36 screens
New Zealand box office
1,301 USD [Rs. 92,173] from 6 screens
U.K box office
12,818 USD [Rs. 9.08 lacs] from 54 screens
U.S.A box office
48,837 USD [Rs. 34.60 lacs] from screens
Canada box office
16,886 USD [Rs. 11.96 lacs] from 19 screens