Tuesday mirrored Monday, with Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior topping the box office. It has already made it through its fourth week and continues to thrive, making it the only movie to make a notable mark in both single screens and multiplexes, where it made a whopping Rs. 2.05 crores. The total collections of the film stand at Rs. 255.77 crores and is edging closer to the Rs. 275 crores mark.
Jawaani Jaaneman has found success in the multiplexes of the bigger cities, allowing it to rack up a commendable sum thus far – totalling Rs. 16.80 crores. Whilst Monday saw the Saif Ali Khan starrer rake in Rs. 2.03 crores, Tuesday’s collections experienced only a minimal dip to Rs. 1.94 crores, signalling that the movie is likely to keep up its decent earnings.
At a few select movie theaters, Street Dancer 3D is attracting a few moviegoers, though its collections remain modest – with Tuesday’s numbers coming in at Rs. 1.35 crores. In the following days, collections are expected to remain above Rs. 1 crore, however they are likely to see a further decline on the following Friday. At the moment, the movie has made a total of Rs. 68.96 crores and could realistically be expected to earn up to Rs. 75 crores.