The much sought-after and hotly awaited Akshay Kumar – Kareena Kapoor Khan starrer Good News finally made its way onto screens after being delayed for a while. Directed by Raj Mehta, it was one of the hottest buzzes among audiences lately – so much so that they were eagerly waiting for this release! And when it came to 700 theaters across the world on Tuesday, everyone expected an impressive box office collection from it – which indeed happened according to our latest report.
Australia box office
7,667 USD [Rs. 5.43 lacs] from 17 screens
New Zealand box office
3,637 USD [Rs. 2.57 lacs] from 15 screens
U.K box office
10,479 USD [Rs. 7.42 lacs] from 31 screens
U.S.A box office
22,163 USD [Rs. 15.69 lacs] from 85 screens
Canada box office
24,708 USD [Rs. 17.49 lacs] from 23 screens