Anticipating a typically sluggish period preceding Diwali, it was predicted that Housefull 4 would launch at around Rs. 20 crores – which is precisely what happened on Friday when the collections ended up being Rs.19.08 crores. Despite an optimistic start during the morning shows, evening and night shows remained adequate but with no remarkable uptick as families tended to be occupied with festivities and merry-making.
This production by Nadiadwala Grandson has already surpassed its predecessors, Housefull 3 with a record of Rs. 15.21 crores, Housefull 2 [Rs. 14 crores] and Housefull [Rs. 10 crores]. Nevertheless, it is uncertain how this weekend’s turnout will be affected due to Diwali festivities but with the Monday approaching – a time favored for family-audiences attending cinemas – predictions may still prove prosperous for the movie.
For Sajid Nadiadwala, Housefull 4 has outperformed his two prior hits: Super 30 at Rs. 11.83 crores and Chhichhore at Rs. 7.32 crores. While these films relied mainly on word of mouth for success, Housefull 4’s classic commercial feel is sure to keep its momentum going.
Following Mission Mangal’s [Rs. 29.16 crores] and Kesari’s [Rs. 21.06 crores] remarkable openings this year, Akshay Kumar has once again seen a successful launch with Housefull 4. Now, we are eager to see the ultimate success of the film in its entirety.