With her seventh theatrical release Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, Kiara Advani has scored her fourth double digit opening. This is a commendable achievement given the consistency she shows across each and every one of them. It could very well be six double digit openings had both Laxmii and Shershaah made their way onto the big screens too but because there was an epidemic situation that put most theatres out of commission for an extended period of time – Kiara missed out on these two potential box office hits.
She has had her low times as well; such as when she released Fugly and no one cared, or when Machine and Indo Ki Jawaani both flopped at the Box Office. Still, we can take heart from her singing ability in Tu Cheez Badi Hai Mast Mast, which landed her films thereafter. From this point forward, it seems that anything is possible for this starlet! For example, we’ve seen how positively received are films like Kabir Singh and Good News. After all of these successes, who could deny – this woman will be around for some time yet!
Here are the opening day numbers of Kiara Advani starrers:
M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story – Rs. 21.30 crores
Kabir Singh – Rs. 20.21 crores
Good Newwz – Rs. 17.56 crores
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 – Rs. 14.11 crores
Fugly – Rs. 2.95 crores
Machine – Rs. 0.50 crores
It’s a shame though- her film career is off to a great start with the first three films Kabir Singh (Rs.2 crore), Good Newwz (Rs.1 crore) and M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story (Rs.0.45 crore) while each have been successful at the Box Office, it’s sad because there are still some movies she needs to do before she earns that much anticipated fourth million dollar blockbuster; Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 which will make all of us proud!
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources