Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 the Kartik Aaryan – Kiara Advani starrer was released this past Friday to exceptional reception. Bhushan Kumar – Murad Khetani production, had an amazing opening of Rs.14.11 crores after just one day and grew steadily in subsequent days while hovering close to the Rs.10 crores mark even in its first week run proving to be an evergreen favorite for viewers who are interested in a light-hearted film that can pass time on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
This week, we take a look at Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2’s first day of ticket sales. From an initial count, it seems that the Bollywood drama may even outdo some recent popular blockbusters like Runway 34, which earned $3.5 million USD over its opening weekend ($4.25 lakhs INR), Bachchhan Paandey that earned $3.2 million USD (INR 26 crore), Heropanti 2 earning $2.5 million USD (Rs 22 crores) for two days straight, Jersey only netting about a tenth-millionth of what those previous flicks did – so in all cases if every country were to open up with Bhoola Bhulaayaa tomorrow (which would still be around $1m domestically), it would likely find itself ranked second place among our list!
Currently, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 continues to entouse the audience in both metros and mass sectors. It has appealed widely to various audiences such as families and children as well as adults who are looking for an enjoyable movie night out at the theater. With collections pegged at Rs. 75 cr (75 million rupees) so far, trade predictions state that its business will only continue to grow from hereon out with estimates stating it could potentially surpass Rs. 100 crores (100 million rupees) by the end of its first week.
Top 10 Highest First Tuesday Grossers of 2022 at a glance:
KGF – Chapter 2 – Rs. 19.14 cr
The Kashmir Files – Rs. 18 cr
RRR – Rs. 15.02 cr
Gangubai Kathiawadi – Rs. 10.01 cr
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 – Rs. 9.56 cr
Runway 34 – Rs. 3.50 cr
Bachchhan Paandey – Rs. 3.24 cr
Heropanti 2 – Rs. 2.50 cr
Jersey – Rs. 1.32 cr
Badhaai Do – Rs. 1.12 cr