Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 has taken over cinemas on Day 3, Sunday as estimates state it has collected in the range of Rs. 23.50 to 25.00 crores which brings its opening weekend total to about Rs. 56-57 crores. As a result, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 ran riot at some centers like Mumbai, Delhi, Patna, Gwalior, Gujarat and Guwahati by having an astonishing occupancy rate throughout the day. The film made more money with each passing day and it seems very likely that this will be successful horror comedy starring Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani based off of various factors including audience feedback and movie reviews being quite positive thus far.
The growing numbers from this past weekend confirms that Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 will enter the Rs. 100 crore club in less than 10 days. Even so, it has a good chance to break even into the Rs. 150 crore club before the end of its first week. With Kartik Aaryan topping this list and being known as one of India’s most talented actors, this would be one of his best films yet with director Anees Bazmee coming second only because he had two other great movies before this one – No Entry and Welcome.
Reports show that Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 has sold over 32 lakh tickets in the past weekend, making it the highest-grossing movie in what would be considered pandemic times. In fact, this opening weekend’s footfall is second only to its predecessor Sooryavanshi (also a T Series and Murad Khetani Production), released during Diwali – one of the most popular festivals among Indians. Given these stellar numbers at such low prices, we can hope that other Indian productions will take note and follow suit with much fairer rates than ever before – instead of pursuing unreasonable price hikes simply because people have little choice but to pay them for now.