Almost any financial issue requires some sort of ledger to understand who pays who and how much. Blockchain is a decentralized ledger to which you can connect smart contracts to automate any transaction. Although the main advantage of using blockchain as a ledger is the elimination of third-party involvement, the benefits don’t end there; let’s explore them below.
Point 1: Costs Reduction
The financial sector is mostly centralized. This is why there is a constant necessity to invest in the following stuff:
- Fees of intermediaries;
- Accounting;
- Labor;
- Database maintenance, and so on.
So, blockchain is going to be a perfect solution when it comes to cost reduction. The tech can increase transparency and introduce lower costs and make the processes as secure as possible at the same time. Using smart contracts can be built into the financial sector. Therefore, it is going to be real to decrease costs associated with accounting, mediators, and so on.
Point 2: Improving Security and Transparency
This has to deal with the basic features that characterize blockchain. Safety and transparency are probably the most crucial points here.
So, it is essential to realize that data security mainly relies on the work of the intermediaries and certain database protection. At the same time, data breaches tend to appear quite frequently. Mainly, this is linked to the lack of transparency. Blockchain is going to be one of the best instruments that will fix this.
The reliability is explained by the simultaneous use of a public and a private key. The first one is available for everyone in the network while the second one refers solely to those who are involved in the particular transaction.
Point 3: Advancements in Auditing
This aspect is tied to the previous matter. Auditing occupies significant time, and it turns out to be pretty expensive. These problems are linked to the lack of transparency. And sure, blockchain is about to help here as well. Auditing time is going to decrease thanks to the accessibility of data. Plus, auditors can confirm compliance because the blockchain records are unchangeable.
Point 4: Speed of Transactions
Speed is something that is valued a lot when mentioning digitalization in the monetary sector. It is well known that certain payments can take days and even weeks to be processed. Here is why it happens: the transactions are controlled by the intermediaries to the fullest. This is the common way to provide security and authenticity. One more negative point here is as follows: such financial operations also turn out to be rather costly. Blockchain has the potential to replace all of that to provide fast and effortless deals basically for any purpose.
The specifics of smart contracts makes it possible to perform the transactions without active participation of mediators. The operations can be instant as soon as intermediaries won’t play such a crucial role.
By the way, it is also essential to highlight that using blockchain is going to be really handy for investors. This is explained by such features as trust, security, traceability of data, and so on. Whattofarm real-time charts can be useful in this case.
How Can the Tech Be Introduced in Finances?
There are quite a few handy application cases tied to the use of blockchain in the fiscal area. First of all, it is a great idea to introduce blockchain in connection with credit reporting. Such a process is about to be more effective as long as it will be characterized by better security compared with traditional credit reporting. Plus, it is possible to calculate credit scores by means of blockchain tech.
Another point to consider is as follows: it can be utilized to improve the way across-the-board transactions are dealt with. They are going to be faster, more effective, and more secure in general.
Finally, there is such a matter as the elimination of clearing and settlement. This stuff is going to be real pretty soon. The key goal linked to this is the need for better performance and productivity.
Right now, some of the firms and corporations are using blockchain to promote greater efficiency. One of these is VISA. This payment processor can be considered one of the pioneers of applying blockchain in the financial sector. To be exact, they have started to use B2B Connect on the base of blockchain. It serves for international business-to-business transactions, and this option is thought to be rather common today. Plus, they have already introduced crypto debit and credit cards.
Are There Any Challenges Tied to the Implementation of Blockchain in the Fiscal Sphere?
Unfortunately, there are quite a few of those to be aware of. They are about to be considered below:
- Right now, there are no clear regulations associated with the application of the tech. However, they are likely to appear as soon as the governments may intend to control this area. Accordingly, those dealing with the blockchain on a regular basis will have to comply with them.
- Some companies can find it rather hard to start using blockchain because of the relevant costs linked to such a matter.
- It is impossible to change blockchain data. This point is thought to be an advantage but in some cases, this turns into an issue. The problem is that sometimes, financial companies need to alter the stored data. So, it is vital to adjust to the blockchain peculiarities to deal with it successfully.
All in all, it is crucial to highlight that the utilization and introduction of blockchain in the monetary sector is about to alter the processes for the better. There is no doubt about it. However, there are still some important challenges to overcome in connection with this.