Akshay Kumar and Vaani Kapoor’s much anticipated action thriller Bell Bottom has seen an unfortunate drop in collections on Monday as early estimates suggest business in the range of Rs. 1.85 to 1.95 crore, bringing the five day total closer to the Rs. 15 crore mark while sustaining well at single screens with only a 30% drop from its opening day performance – however, this is not what alarms us most about this film considering the losses incurred by its lacklustre performance in metropolitan areas.
The loss incurred by multiplexes across metro cities comes from Day 5 having shown an audience rejection for being too close to other holidays such as Raksha Bandhan – when some circuits in Northern India were refusing service for long queues during this time period – which resulted in weak footfall numbers throughout each screening experience during these earlier hours when people would be out either celebrating or just keeping up with their regular festivities following behind them all week long until Saturday evening finally rolled around…
A Monday with revenues of Rs. 2.25 crores suggests that there was a healthier trend in the longer term; however, these new numbers near the Rs 2 crore mark will not suffice for entertainment purposes and provide success in the future. The Sunday numbers from Bell Bottom gave us some hope of survival, but this never lasts forever – especially when you have no competitors against your movie soon to come out – because even if it performs solidly enough next week, it won’t be able to make up for losses incurred today or last week.
So while there is potential here still left unexplored, we are already in Covid 19 where nothing can foretell what each individual’s fate may hold at the end of this month at the box office. The five day numbers were lower than anticipated; however, looking towards Saturday’s projected revenue totals after Friday’s successful opening day performance leaves me hopeful about its prospects.
Delhi recently allowed night shows, but sadly it hasn’t made business any better. Still, we’ll keep waiting until morning – because the updates for collections in some states should be available tonight by midnight, which will give us a clearer idea of whether or not this five day total is above our estimation range.