The popular action flick, Bellbottom starring Akshay Kumar premiered just a few weeks ago. Despite being the first movie out in theaters since Covid-19’s halt production, everyone was looking forward to how it would do financially. At first, it lagged behind with dismal earnings until about half way through when people actually caught on and finally started watching it. Sunday came around with more than half of Bellbottom sold out tickets – dragging in close to 3 times what its most recent screening brought in on Friday – because people were starting to catch onto this new passion project by Karan Johar (the film’s producer).
It didn’t end there either; Bellbottom also attracted nearly twice as much money yesterday than did last Saturday despite intense competition from both Amitabh Bachchan & Emraan Hashmi’s new mystery thriller ‘Chehere’.
With the film’s digital release slated for later this month, there is still a considerable amount of time before its theatrical run comes to an end. Thus, it will likely remain as the people’s number one choice- even though analysts predict that Bellbottom which has so far earned approximately 23 crores will be able to reach up to 30 crores by the end of next week.