Recently, the film Badhaai Do, starring Rajkummar Rao and Bhumi Pednekar was released. The film deals with a niche topic and was not expected to establish records at the box office. However, its lack of success has not come as a surprise. During its opening weekend and first week, the film had a low key performance, and this trend has continued throughout its second week.
Despite the star power of its lead actors and the unique subject matter, the film has not been able to generate the desired level of interest among audiences. This has resulted in low box office collections, which is a disappointment for the film’s producers and investors. It is worth noting that while the film’s niche topic might have made it a bit difficult to attract a large number of movie-goers, it is not uncommon for films to underperform at the box office.
The film Badhaai Do has had a rather disappointing performance at the box office. During its second week, the film was only able to draw in Rs. 6.74 crores, bringing its overall collections to Rs. 19.34 crores. The poor performance of the film can be attributed to a few factors. Firstly, the film was targeting a niche audience which might have made it difficult to attract a large number of movie-goers.
Additionally, the previous release Pushpa still had a strong hold over the audience and might have affected the performance of Badhaai Do. The lack of interest from the audience resulted in low box office collections which is a disappointment for the film’s producers and investors. Despite these challenges, it is important to note that not all films are able to generate high box office collections and the performance of a film can be affected by many factors.
The film Badhaai Do has had a rather disappointing performance at the box office. During its second week, the film was only able to draw in Rs. 6.74 crores, bringing its overall collections to Rs. 19.34 crores. The poor performance of the film can be attributed to a few factors. Firstly, the film was targeting a niche audience which might have made it difficult to attract a large number of movie-goers.
Additionally, the previous release Pushpa still had a strong hold over the audience and might have affected the performance of Badhaai Do. The lack of interest from the audience resulted in low box office collections which is a disappointment for the film’s producers and investors. Despite these challenges, it is important to note that not all films are able to generate high box office collections and the performance of a film can be affected by many factors.