Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor Khan starred in the movie Good News. Released on 28th December this year, it had been almost unstoppable at the box-office till now. From a moderate start – it gradually improved with time. And after close observations of its proceeds, it was found that the film has collected close to Rs. 300 crore (₹302 crores) Worldwide Gross so far – collecting ₹234.64 crore (Rs 2552.6 million or $31 million approx.) domestically and ₹71.43 crore ($10 million approx.) internationally; while operating across 3800+ screens- with 3100+ screens being operated domestically and 700 screens being operated overseas as per reports till date.
Good Newwz Worldwide Gross Box Office Collections at a glance
India box office Nett: Rs. 197.10 cr.
India box office Gross: Rs. 234.64 cr.
Overseas Gross: Rs. 71.43 cr.
Worldwide collections Gross: Rs. 306.07 cr.
But if crossing the Rs. 300 cr. gross benchmark wasn’t enough, Good Newwz that still continues to rake in the moolah has also managed to rival certain previous releases at the worldwide box office. In fact, given its current collections Good Newwz ranks as the fifth highest worldwide grosser of 2019. Preceding Good Newwz on the list of highest worldwide grossers are previous releases War that collected Rs. 474.79 cr., Kabir Singh that collected Rs. 379.02 cr., Uri – The Surgical Strike that collected Rs. 342.06 cr., and Bharat that had collected Rs. 325.58 cr.
Top 5 Worldwide Grossers of 2019
War – Rs. 474.79 cr.
Kabir Singh – Rs. 379.02 cr.
Uri – The Surgical Strike – Rs. 342.06 cr.
Bharat – Rs. 325.58 cr.
Good Newwz – Rs. 306.07 cr.
As of now, Good Newwz still continues to run in theatres, and trade predictions state that the business of the film will continue to grow. In fact, over the coming days Good Newwz is more than likely to close the gap between Bharat at the worldwide box office.