The awaited film Antim, starring Aayush Sharma and Salman Khan was released across 3,500 screens in India. Most of the showings of John Abraham’s movie Satyameva Jayate 2 were shared with Antim, but some theaters had screenings exclusively for one or both movies. Estimates from early box office reports indicate that it may have earned approximately Rs. 5-6 crore since its release yesterday morning.
The best performing states so far are Maharashtra (home state to lead actor Aayush Sharma), Gujarat, and Bihar; while cinemas in the northern belt – including Delhi and Punjab – seem underwhelming. This might be explained by the fact that Salman plays a Sikh cop in the movie– audiences elsewhere might not feel an affinity for him because he isn’t playing his typical leading man role. Attendance increased over time though -suggesting people liked what they saw!
These are favourable numbers for an Aayush Sharma-starrer without the presence of Salman Khan. Given the film is about him, his star power has helped Antim earn respectable business on day one. The jump from evening to night shows during Friday gave Antim some momentum going into Sunday and it’s now just a waiting game. This might not be so bad, but if Antim wants to really succeed it’ll need big money totals by Monday morning.
With a three-day total around Rs 20-22 crore, that’ll give Antim something to brag about; being well above the break even cost and providing hope that he can make up ground in later days. If Anthony manages to rake in Rs 50 crores worth of business before closing shop – he’ll have done pretty well for himself overall which will put him at break even or near enough if expenses don’t change too drastically between now and release date when they’re tallied up again.