Yesterday saw the release of Laal Singh Chaddha, the much-anticipated film helmed by Advait Chandan and starring Aamir Khan. Leading up to its debut, the movie had been generating a great deal of excitement, with many believing that it would experience a huge opening thanks to the Raksha Bandhan festivities. Alas, contrary to expectations, the Aamir Khan starrer had a relatively lacklustre start.
Laal Singh Chaddha got off to a relatively average beginning in the international markets. Competing against the Akshay Kumar movie Raksha Bandhan, the number of theaters and viewers being divided have hurt the business of Laal Singh Chaddha. In this box office analysis, we analyze the Aamir Khan film’s earnings in overseas markets on Day 1 and compare them to the returns from Aamir’s preceding venture, Thugs of Hindostan.
Despite being released on Thursday and having fewer theaters across Australia and New Zealand, Thugs of Hindostan grossed a greater amount of money at the box office compared to Laal Singh Chaddha in 2018.
Laal Singh Chaddha overseas box office
Australia box office
75,455 USD [Rs. 60.07 lacs] from 120 screens
New Zealand box office
9,006 USD [Rs. 7.17 lacs] from 37 screens
Thugs of Hindostan overseas box office
Australia box office
82,319 USD from 56 screens
New Zealand box office
26,243 USD from 27 screens