There are many different personality tests out there for determining what type of person someone may be; the most popular being Myers-Briggs Type Indicator which divides people into sixteen categories. Some can be introverts or extroverts, some use intuition or sensation, others use judgement or perception. But before you tell all your friends that Oh I’m an ENFP because it sounds cool (even though sometimes these terms don’t mean the same thing), please keep in mind that those words do not always correlate with how they’re used in everyday conversation.
For example, an ENFP according to 16 personalities is someone who thrives when they’re around other people – taking risks and embracing both new concepts and new challenges while also being gentle when handling emotions – able to think fast but stay calm in difficult situations. If this sounds like a fit for how you want to live your life then read on as we look at some popular anime characters with this personality type!
1. Marin Kitagawa – My Dress-Up Darling
Since the release of the anime adaptation of My Dress-Up Darling, a show about an energetic yet carefree girl’s hilarious adventures, she has become very popular. Mariner [Marin] is always coming up with new ideas for fun things to do in every situation – which marks her as one of those ENFPs.
2. Misato Katsuragi – Neon Genesis Evangelion
Misato is a complicated person. She faces the harsh realities of life head-on, still being hopeful for the future ahead of her. Misato has an unusual sense of humor and doesn’t take anything too seriously – even herself. With all these features in mind, it may be hard to understand why she acts impulsively or tries to make things work out – especially if you don’t know where she came from before becoming an Eva pilot; which would explain many things about this unique character.
3. Touta Matsuda – Death Note
Touta is one of the most notable and interesting characters in Death Note. He is a part of the Japanese Task Force and always brings a new point of view to the team because he is the one who usually thinks outside the box. He tends to take risks, which often leads him to act impulsively without thinking about his actions first. Apparently, Touta self-describes as an ENFP personality type.
4. Kiki – Kiki’s Delivery Service
I find her to be one of the most intriguing ENFP characters out there. She’s a witch in training, yet refuses to stay indoors when she could explore the world. Always up for adventures, Kiki is always probing and being curious about everything around her; traits typically seen in people with this personality type. Despite never venturing far from home, she has impeccable instincts that kick in whenever she finds herself lost or unsure of where to go next.
5. Reki Ryan – Sk8 the Infinity
Reki was a warm person who loved being around others. Like all ENFPs, he would talk to almost anyone and go out of his way to do what was best for them. Although spontaneous by nature, Reki would never neglect the needs of himself or others if it meant something big could happen. However, his spontaneity never stopped him from wanting to be able to take everything at one pace; being slow wasn’t an option for someone so adventurous in life!vv
6. Oden Kozuki – One Piece
Oden is a natural born leader with an easygoing nature, which are common qualities for people who identify as ENFPs. As a result of these traits, he commands attention and admiration from those around him – this inspires others to follow his example as well. Oden can often be found talking about justice or making speeches on morality; it doesn’t matter what the topic is because it’s clear that anything he says will resonate with listeners.
7. Nejire Hado – My Hero Academia
As one of the Big Three Nejire is an incredibly strong UA student. Physically beautiful, she stands smiling while doing whatever she can to support her friends in any situation they may find themselves in. Despite being very outspoken when it comes to others concerns, she has a tendency to put up this front for all those around her – even if it means risking herself again and again for some unknown person or hero from another school who could never repay her kindness if given the chance.
8. Usagi Tsukino – Sailor Moon
The girl known as Usagi is one of the most prolific heroines there has ever been. Free-spirited and impulsive, she still manages to find herself doubting anything and everything that happens in her life. But no matter what her struggles may be, this brave girl remains forever friendly and open – appreciating others for who they are rather than based on appearance alone. You can always count on her for being able to lend a listening ear when you need it the most; which is why many call her their best friend.
9. Eru Chitanda – Hyouka
As one of the most curious characters in anime history, Eru Chitanda will do anything she can to understand something. Kind and polite, Chitanda doesn’t hesitate to ask if there’s something that has caught her attention. With a fierce desire to know everything possible, it’s no wonder why this has earned her some notoriety amongst people who know just how eccentric she is. And while it may be easy for others to say bothersome or annoying, what they don’t realize is that this attitude makes Chitanda an ideal candidate for an ESFJ personality type.
10. Kaori Miyazono – You Lie in April
Kaori is one of the most notable ENFP characters in anime because of her outgoing and enthusiastic personality. Her passion for life compels others to love it too – especially when playing the violin. Kaori’s carefree attitude makes even the most mundane tasks seem fun, making her very reliable and dependable. Most importantly, she likes meeting new people and taking advantage of every opportunity while they still last; but often feels confined when someone tells her what to do or how to act.
11. Jiraiya – Naruto
Jiraiya is behind one of the most tear-jerking moments in anime history. But we should remember him with a smile. Jiraiya is a humorous man with a peaceful spirit and a wanderlust but perverteJiraiya was behind one of the most emotionally heartbreaking moments in anime history; but he should be remembered with a smile. Jiraiya is an energetic and lovable character who loved to travel and explore new things – he had just a bit too much curiosity for his own good at times. His pure hearted nature guided him through life, despite his occasional awkward mistakes that left him laughing at himself.d lifestyle. However, like many ENFP characters, his inner values guide him through life.
12. Josuke Higashikata – Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable
Josuke is without a doubt the best Jojo, an accomplishment made possible because of his perfect ENFP personality. He is constantly upbeat and has an infectious joy for life, which translates well onto others who surround him. Similarly to his Stand Crazy Diamond, Josuke also helps people whenever they’re in need. Despite being kindhearted and friendly most of the time, Josuke has shown himself capable of viciousness if you ever insult someone close to him.
13. Haruhi Suzumiya – The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
This girl who could manipulate reality to suit her needs – Haruhi was another great example of an ENFP personality. Spontaneous, reckless and impulsive she loved spending time with her friends looking for new adventures. Being able to inspire others with her free-spirited attitude meant she didn’t need to try too hard but could make anything happen when she wanted it too.
14. Monkey D. Luffy – One Piece
The captain and leader of the Straw Hat Pirates is likely an ENFP because of his charismatic yet gentle personality. He is a carefree guy who has a strong sense of justice. Furthermore, he is someone who would never leave his friends in need. His optimism knows no bounds even when faced with dire circumstances – it’s what makes him so reliable and true blue friend to all those around him.
15. Menma – The Flower We Saw That Day
Menma is a bubbly, warm-hearted girl who has an outgoing and friendly personality. She always smiles – even when things are tough – and her love for spending time with others is infectious. Menma’s charisma attracted many fans because they see themselves in her ENFP personality.
16. Momiji Sohma – Fruits Basket
Momiji was so much more than we expected. His charisma shone through everything that he did and helped him become one of the most important characters in this anime series. A childish personality radiates from him – even though he is considered mature for his age – which makes him such a compelling character to watch over us viewers because it never fails to put a smile on my face when I see him around town or at school.
17. Kamina – Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
This guy is the ultimate bro. While he might not be the main protagonist, Kamina drives all action in this series by recruiting his teammates and supporting them through their journey to protect humanity from extinction against Spiral Power when it threatens humanity from within. Thanks to his ENFP personality, Kamina is an always-cheerful and excitable individual who does what he can to maintain a positive attitude for others even during times of strife.
18. Naruto Uzumaki – Naruto
The most popular ninja ever is an ENFP. He has been dubbed Naruto by the mange series. A boy whose personality can best be described as outgoing, adventurous and surprisingly kindhearted; he never gives up no matter what situation he finds himself in. Perhaps one of his more notable traits is how much he loves playing tricks on others – a common tactic for those looking to gain upper hand in battle from time to time.
19. Twice – My Hero Academia
Two faced and enigmatically elusive, Two is part of the League of Villains. He has a Quirk that makes it possible for him to divide his body into various different parts; this naturally created a split personality disorder. It is precisely because of these factors that Two takes after an ENFP type individual – despite the fact that he does belong to the league of villains. Nonetheless, he’s quite humble and quick witted. So without further ado, let us welcome Two onto our list!
20. Chrome – Dr. Stone
Dr. Stone is one of the most notable anime of this decade, and Chrome is without a doubt its most memorable character. Chrome- or Chikuru- is an easily curious yet happy schoolboy who will stop at nothing to learn something new. If he sees someone in trouble or hears about injustice he’ll go out of his way to fix it – if he can’t do so alone, he’ll take action until someone else helps him or gets hurt trying too.
21. Hiiragi Kashima – Given
This is an unknown character for most people, but not people who watch anime revolving around boys love. Hiiragi is one of the leading characters in Given and he has an ENFP personality which gives him these special moments throughout it. He is a bright young man with striking orange hair that makes you want to pay attention to him because it stands out among so many others – and his kind heart too!
22. Obito Uchiha – Naruto
Obito is a fascinating character who has endured so much throughout his life. Through force of will, he was able to make the best out of all situations and bring about what could have been a glorious end. Widely recognized as one of the most developed characters in this series, Obito is also known for having abhorred violence above all else- so it’s no surprise when we find out that was exactly what led him down this dark road in order to accomplish peace without conflict.
23. Yui Hirasawa – K-On!
Yui is the protagonist of K-On! She has an ENFP personality, which means she loves new experiences and seeing people happy. Alongside her fantastic humour and witty remarks, she also possesses some great talents – being able to play guitar at a Kirk Hammett level within mere days. Her friendship with Mio, Ritsu, and Mugi allows them all to learn from each other while they are together. In turn, this contributes to K-On’s success as it gives insight into different personalities and interests we might not even know existed before watching the show.
24. Anya Forger – Spy x Family
While everyone is fixated on seeing what role Yor Forger plays, they forget that the real star of the show is none other than his adopted sister Anya. As you all may know by now, she has an ENFP personality which includes being curious, kind-hearted and friendly while still being very loving towards her adoptive parents. When it comes time to help them out – no matter what it takes – she won’t hesitate to do it even if it means risking herself in order to save somebody else or just having a little bit more courage when things seem tough.
25. Howl – Howl’s Moving Castle
Howl is one of the reasons why women have such high expectations when it comes to men. His charm, gentleness, creativity, attractiveness and need for unique experiences makes him hard to pass up. Though flirtatious at times, he is loyal and genuine towards his partner(s). Howl has a personality which can be best described as ENFP.
26. Yamato – One Piece
As a One Piece fan, I hope Yamato joins the Straw Hat Pirates because I love her. Despite being Kaidou’s daughter and raised as his proper heir, she was adventurous from day one. As an ENFP, she brings out all of these qualities that make me adore her even more- how she has always been there to help people in need (including when they didn’t deserve it), how she doesn’t care about rank or power if it goes against what is right, but most importantly how much fun she is!
27. Junko Enoshima – Danganronpa
Despite how crazy she can be at times, Junko is an impressive ENFP girl who always manages to stay one step ahead of everyone. With the charisma and intelligence only seen in the best of people, she maneuvers through social situations with ease and understands others on a deep level. Her clever wit and beautiful face make it easy for her to do anything, including getting whatever she wants whenever she pleases.
28. Camie Utsushimi – My Hero Academia
Camie is one of the Shiketsu High School students who recently participated in the Provisional Hero License Course, and as such has garnered a considerable amount of popularity from her peers. An ENFP with excellent social skills, she has a refreshingly friendly demeanor that sometimes comes off naive. But don’t let her appearance deceive you- Camie possesses intelligence beyond her years and it will serve her well throughout her time at this high school which promises competition unlike anything she had previously experienced before.
29. Julius Novachrono – Black Clover
Julius is the King of Clover Kingdom. With his active and insightful personality, he is one of the most powerful characters in this story despite being a king. Being both wise and knowledgeable makes him not only an excellent King but also an important role model for people like me who share his personality type – ENFPs!
30. Runo Misaki – Bakugan: Battle Brawlers
Runo is not your typical tsundere, despite her appearance. Talkative, outgoing and bubbly – she has a happy charm that draws people in, never leaving them bored. Alongside Bakugan; an anime that may seem uninteresting at first glance due to its lack of popularity but thanks to Runo it manages to keep viewers engaged throughout the entirety of its run time – you too will soon find yourself invested in this story about life or death battles between mutant creatures called ‘Bakugans’.
31. Tamaki Kotatsu – Fire Force
Tamaki is one of the main characters in Fire Force. At the same time, she might be just about the most popular character among all those who have watched it. Tamaki has an ENFP personality but also carries with her a bit of tsundere traits as well. Cool, optimistic and pretty attractive- even so much that she can often provide some fan service for viewers- which means that sometimes it’s hard to take your eyes off of her during certain scenes.
32. Spirit Albarn – Soul Eater
Spirit was an interesting character. Interesting in that it’s a good kind of weird. He had a silly side to him, something not everyone could appreciate, but it never hurt anyone and he always held steadfast to his friends or teammates; no matter what the circumstances may be. It didn’t matter how terrible it may become or how dire the situation seemed- Spirit still found it easy enough to lighten up every once in awhile. There were some moments where Spirit would give up on everything just so another person mattered more to them than anything else in this world.
33. Narumi Momose – Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
Wotakoi is an amazing anime that can be watched over and over again. Narumi is one of the many reasons why it’s so enjoyable – she’s portrayed as being an ENFP otaku who enjoys watching yaoi stories, idols, and otome games. Otaku culture isn’t her only secret – but it would be impossible for me to list all of them here anyway. One thing I will say though: don’t let her fool you because at heart, this girl has a positive attitude about everything; which makes her a really fun person to hang out with in general.
34. Lucy Heartfilia – Fairy Tail
In the anime series Fairy Tail, Lucy Heartfillia plays the role of a main protagonist. Her friendly yet optimistic personality makes her stand out in any place; whether it be during battle or just day-to-day life. She has a kind heart that does not know how to turn people away and is willing to go on adventures with anyone who needs company, no matter what consequences may follow.
35. Kaoru Kurita – Wonder Egg Priority
We don’t know if Kaoru is male or female. They were assigned the sex of Female but later implies that they are Male instead. It isn’t very clear so we’ll move on to other information. Kaoru is an ENFP person with a determined personality, who LOVES gardening and likes Momoe as a girl AND a boy.
36. Kae Serinuma – Kiss Him, Not Me
Kae is the fujoshi lead character of the anime Kiss Him, Not Me. After watching the death of her favorite anime character, she became severely depressed and lost quite a bit of weight after a week of crying. Despite being an outgoing person, Kae is still very much shy and introverted – but one can see how far she strives when it comes to achieving those dreams she has yet to accomplish. Her passion lies in manga/anime/games; not only does Kae partake in reading these mediums herself, but also fantasizes about them often too.
37. Mako Mankanshoku – Kill La Kill
Kill La Kill has some wonderful characters, and Mako is one of them – she’s an ENFP girl who always remains determined despite her lack of trust issues stemming from previous experiences. She’s very outgoing, friendly, enthusiastic and boisterous with a memorable personality. She is the complete opposite of Ryuko Matoi.
38. Himiko Toga – My Hero Academia
Himiko is another ENFP character from My Hero Academia and she’s one of the most dangerous villains – she’s wicked, sadistic, and part of the League of Villains. Himiko interprets love like nobody else and always has this smile on her face that makes people either feel excited or scared to death just by looking at her – she’s almost too much for some people but it only seems to make them want more. She reminds many people of Harley Quinn because both are good at messing with other people’s minds.
39. Blackbeard – One Piece
Marshall D. Teach, better known as Blackbeard, is one of the most fearsome characters in One Piece and certainly one of its most powerful villains. Despite being a ruthless pirate who only cares about himself, he has taken up leadership roles for some smaller crews before taking up command with Whitebeard – and his devil fruit ability made him invincible! His other devil fruit makes him even stronger so what can we say? There’s just no stopping this man now!
40. Katarina Claes – My Next Life as a Villainess
The main character of Katarina—a story about an Isekai anime filled with humor—is what makes it such a joy to watch. There’s nothing worse than watching an anime where you don’t empathize or understand the characters; but that won’t happen here because when we first meet Katarina, she appears as a villainous woman who’ll stop at nothing until she gets what she wants. She quickly turns things around after hitting her head and reincarnating into an ENFP heroine destined to always lose while doing good deeds no matter how hard she tries.
41. Atsuko Kagari – Little Witch Academia
Astuko, better known as Akko, is a cheerful ENFP and the protagonist of Little Witch Academia. One of her main qualities is her ability to make friends quickly because she always has a smile on her face and enjoys making others feel happy too. The anime LWA (Little Witch Academia) has always been an optimistic show for younger audiences due to its characters’ light-hearted personalities.
42. Sakura Kinomoto – Cardcaptor Sakura
Sakura is often cited as one of the most iconic female protagonists in shoujo manga series. Cardcaptor Sakura was such an amazing show – both during my childhood days and now because it has a lot to offer viewers. My initial reaction upon realizing that she had ENFP qualities didn’t surprise me at all; she fits perfectly, after all!
43. Yuki – Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop
Yuki is the protagonist of the anime film Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop. Her nickname Smile ironically becomes synonymous with insecurity. Despite this, she always finds courage within herself when needed to rise up and face life’s struggles head-on; even if it means coming out from behind her mask just long enough to do so.
44. Mello – Death Note
Mello is one of the best examples of a hero who looks and acts like a villain. At first glance he seems cold, calculated, and egocentric- but really, in the end Mello is just looking out for his friends. After L’s death Mello became Light’s right hand man taking over after his passing; this detective with an ENFP personality was very energetic but also enigmatic which created some tension between him and Near. Despite all these flaws I think Mello made for a fantastic character throughout it all.
45. Pikachu – Pokemon
This character is more popular than even the anime itself. Pikachu, being one of Nintendo’s many classic characters, retains his popularity throughout generations and through various media outlets. His smile is always radiant and he radiates joy around those who come in contact with him – making him an extroverted individual which aligns well with the ENFP personality type.
46. Candice White Andrew – Candy Candy
Better known as Candy, she is the protagonist of most likely one of the oldest anime on this list. Candy is well-known among adults, so it’s alright if you don’t know her. A tomboyish ENFP girl, Candy has a determined personality and although someone with a princess-like appearance – they are strong and playful.
47. Sakura Yamauchi – I Want to Eat you Pancreas
Despite the fear and despair that constantly surrounds her, Sakura still manages to wear a smile on her face everyday. It is said that this girl has been living in pain for quite some time due to pancreatic cancer- an illness which will most likely kill her within a few months. Still, she chooses to live out these days with optimism. If it isn’t obvious enough already, Sakura is definitely an ENFP personality type.
48. Puck – Berserk
Surviving in the world of Berserk is difficult enough that it becomes nearly impossible. And if one does manage to survive, they are often left broken. Puck is notable because she was able to break free from such a perilous place in life. As well as being very optimistic and idealistic, traits that could get her into trouble but also bless her with the opportunity to live an ENFP’s dream life when surrounded by all the darkness around her; dark corners full of unspoken secrets waiting for someone special to find them.
49. Suika – Dr. Stone
Dr. Stone has a variety of personalities for his characters, and Suika is the most ENFP character alongside Chrome. One moment she can be seen dashing off to help others and it’s only moments later you’ll see her laughing with all her might at something silly that somebody said before getting down to business again so they can achieve their dreams. She may not be as clever or strong as some of the other characters, but no one finds it hard to love this young girl because of how much she cares about others and nothing else matters when you’re around her.
50. Kurahashi Hinano – Assassination Classroom
Sweet and energetic, Kurahashi is one of the few noticeable side characters in this anime. Though she does not physically appear often, her lovable personality earns her significant notoriety among those who know about her. Her bubbly personality and bright orange hair make it easy for people to remember her when they see her next time around – or even when they think back on what has happened so far while they watch the show again later down the line.
51. Kuromi – Onegai My Melody
Kuromi is a sweet and loveable ENFP creature from the series Onegai My Melody. If you were asked what comes to mind when someone mentions ‘characters,’ you might mention people or animals, but this little bunny-creature certainly deserves some recognition too. She may not be the first thing you think of if I asked you who your favorite character was, but she certainly would make it near the top!
52. Miyo Sasaki – A Whisker Away
A Whisker Away- is an amazing anime movie that every cat lover would love. I’m not even a cat lover but I really enjoyed this movie. And one of the reasons why this movie is so great is because of the ENFP protagonist, Miyo Sasaki. She has such charisma and passion for life which makes her likable no matter who you are. If you liked her or the story line in A Whisker Away then give another similar story line or character from an Anime series a try!
53. Mizuki – Kamisama Kiss
Hailing from one of the best Shōjo Anime ever, we have Mizuki who is a supporting character in Kamisama Kiss. He has an attractive ENFP personality loved by countless fans which leads to his svelte frame; his deep green eyes, white hair, and calm yet charismatic voice cementing his place among those who are well-loved throughout the series.
54. Yuu Izumi – Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie
Yuu is the main character of a popular anime and has an attractive personality. His charisma allows him to make friends quickly and easily, but he also offers support to those who are struggling with personal problems. Though he may appear lazy at times, he will still do anything for his loved ones without hesitation – even if it means trying not to let them know what’s going on behind the scenes. Yuu would be classified as ENFP.
55. Yumehara Chiyo – The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
One of the most unusual things about this show is its characters. Yumehara Chiyo, for example – she is an ENFP girl with a romantic, peaceful, and cheerful personality who also happens to be a fujoshi. Yeah – we’re talking about a female character that has experienced some pretty dark hardships in her life yet still manages to stay positive in the present moment.
56. Kotoko Aihara – Playful Kiss
This is hard for me to admit. but I cried during this show. Playful Kiss or Itazura na Kiss, is a show that might not be as popular as some others, but it was perfect and one of the best shojos out there. In short, its about Koto, a kind-hearted girl with an ENFP personality who will do anything to prove herself to others – no matter what hardships lie ahead.
57. Ein – Cowboy Bebop
Cowboy Bebop is usually considered a masterpiece and rightly so. In this anime, the ENFP character is not a human – instead he’s a dog. Ein is one of the main characters and part of the team. His awareness and understanding for what happens around him even though he’s just an animal makes him really good at helping out in any situation no matter how dire things may seem to be.
58. Ochako Uraraka – My Hero Academia
Ochako is the female protagonist from My Hero Academia and arguably one of its most iconic members. Her carefree demeanor belies a deep seriousness and boundless empathy – all due to her ENFP personality type, which causes her behavior to come across as blunt when it suits the situation at hand. And while this might seem like something worth apologizing for or changing about herself – Ochako knows that being true to who you are is what matters in the end.
59. Roronoa Zoro – One Piece
Zoro is without a doubt one of the most loved and respected characters in One Piece, even more so than Luffy himself – which is saying something considering how much people love him. The Pirate Hunter has a stoic yet easy-going nature about him that makes for an entertaining sight – at least to some people.
60. Sprigatito – Pokemon
This is the second Pokemon on this sub-list. As you can tell, even Pokemons have distinct personalities, which makes them special. Sprigatito has an outgoing and kind personality that makes it unique among other Pikachus. This particular pokemon also has pink eyes and a beautiful shade of green that make it stand out from the others in its typing – making it perfect for cat lovers!
61. Sasaki Shuumei – Sasaki and Miyano
Sasaki is, without a doubt, as handsome as they come. In reality, he’s considered one of the top three most attractive men in this school. What sets him apart from the others though – and why people find him even more attractive – is his personality. He can seem like an introverted jerk at first, but when you get to know him better it becomes clear that Sasaki hides behind his cold exterior because deep down he really cares about everyone else and it gets to him how much people rely on him for their happiness.
62. Yuki Yoshikawa – Horimiya
Horimiya was one of the most hotly-debated anime from last year and there are plenty of reasons for it. One such reason is a girl with both an optimistic, outgoing personality as well as being focused on life when she has friends. With an ENFP personality – said to make her stand out amongst other characters in this series – it’s no wonder that she catches people’s eye so easily; even if they don’t want to admit it.
63. Shoyo Hinata – Haikyuu
Hinata’s MBTI is quite debatable, but some experts say that he is ENFP. His personality entails extroversion, so that detail about his MBTI does make sense. Hinata is a guy who usually trusts himself and follows his instincts. He cares deeply for those around him and pays close attention to the world around him.
64. Rika Orimoto – Jujustu Kaisen
As if being cursed wasn’t enough, apparently the queen of curses herself is also an ENFP. It makes sense though; despite all her drawbacks, Rika was always a cheerful girl who had a shy and awkward side too even in flashbacks. Death does nothing to change that personality – she’s still determined to protect Yuta from any danger which can be seen as an ENFP characteristic.
65. Connie Springer – Attack on Titan
Just like in Berserk, being an optimist when everything is trying to pull you down will make you stick out. Connie manages to do that just because of the way he handles himself through tough situations and hardships. But if there were one word to describe him? It would be ‘noticeable’. This boy likes making sure people are safe while they’re together or picking up some slack – even if it means forgetting his own priorities at times; don’t think for one second this doesn’t translate into combat either – this kid knows how to take a hit without flinching as long as it helps keep his comrades upright.
66. Kyusaku Yumeno – Bungou Stray Dogs
Yumeno is a peculiar ENFP- one who stands out from the rest. She can act like a good person when it suits her purposes, but there’s an underlying darkness in her personality that manifests itself through trauma later on. Starting to show signs of instability after being traumatized early on in the story, Yumeno begins to come unraveled and more vulnerable parts of herself are revealed progressively as time goes by.
67. Aang – Avatar: The Last Airbender
Aang is one of the most lovable and endearing characters ever written about. He is inventive, impulsive, and utterly happy-go-lucky. His infectious joy spills over onto everything he does and he has this uncanny ability to know when someone’s feeling down and cheer them up with just his mere presence. Though I feel bad for him sometimes (due to his lack of seriousness), deep down he knows how to find true happiness where it matters most – at home under these ancient trees in my sanctuary; making wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.
68. Anzu Yamasaki – Gantz
Anzu is a side-character in Gantz and one of the members of the Osaka team. When she first arrived at her new place of work, her attitude was decidedly unlike those around her – but that changed when she met Kato, who showed great bravery while putting himself in harm’s way to save others. With this newfound compassion and selflessness herself, Anzu managed to bravely come out from hiding to rescue additional people until finally meeting up with safety again. Clearly showing traits indicative of being an ENFP personality type person.
69. Goku – Dragon Ball
Goku is the best protagonist anime has ever seen. This heroic and caring ENFP man was always ready to give up his life for the sake of everyone around him; including those he cared about, or even complete strangers. Goku had faith in himself and took every challenge thrown at him head-on; never backing down from a fight no matter how difficult it would be. And while they were often times tough battles where he might die, he didn’t let this stop him; but rather welcomed death with open arms – knowing that his bravery would finally pay off after all these years when he saves the world one day.
The Best ENFP Anime Characters: Conclusion
In this article, we have listed some of the most famous ENFP anime characters out there. If you believe we missed one or want to see more art for a particular character then please leave your thoughts in the comments below!