A little over a month ago, the film Kashmir Files, which was directed by Vivek Agnihotri and starred acclaimed actor Anupam Kher, hit movie theaters. With just days left to go before it’s release, experts predict that the film will make close to 300 crore rupees (about $44 million) at Indian box offices. Even though its opening weekend sales were slow, they eventually grew immensely as more people saw it. And now even after having only been out for one week so far, it already looks like Kashmir Files will bring in over 200 crores ($32 million).
The film is able to successfully rake in a total of Rs. 200.13 cr within only 13 days after its release – marking it as the first movie from 2022 so far to hit over Rs. 200 crores! Additionally, The Kashmir Files is also one of the 12 all-time fastest films ever that made this kind of financial accomplishment at such an early time period! Meanwhile, the actor’s newest movie Bharat took 14 days before crossing the same level, followed by a combined 15 days for both Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior and Chennai Express; finally coming back down below than what would have been expected with 3 Idiots which took 110 days to achieve this milestone.
At this moment we can see that The Kashmir Files remains relatively popular among audiences still even when there are two other movies (both currently playing) already released for them – Trade predictions indicate that if the pace of success keeps up through public response then there might be even more money collected soon enough!