Despite being opposed by some members of the public, the Kashmir Files have met success at the Box Office. After earning Rs. 18- 20 crores during its first week, it has now earned over Rs. 118 crore in only 8 days. This also happened to be a huge feat for us because this was basically out of syllabus and this was something we were expecting given our experience with similar movies like these before hand.
Every single screen that’s been exhibiting Kashmir Files are doing well including those who are in East India, Western India and even Southern India – there isn’t any place where this movie isn’t doing well which is why people are already starting to say how they’re sure Kashmir Files will cross over 250 Crore Club status at the Box Office soon enough!
Typically, films reach their highest point in their first week, but this film has reached its biggest sum of income on the eighth day while trade believe that the height is still ahead of them. The collections from Sunday may easily surpass 25 million rupees and the movie will stand at a staggering total of 160 million rupees plus for only ten days. This film is one of the greatest successes ever seen in Hindi cinema history- more so because it was created for such a small budget of only fifteen rupees.
The latest flick has made an impact on Akshay Kumar’s films – such as Bachchhaan Paande and this is something nobody could have foreseen. Although Akshay Kumar-Kriti Sanon starrer managed to get good exposure over time, the film has still performed below average on its first day. The culprit behind the lost revenues during the first day belonged to Kashmir Files while producers had benefitted a bit because of it too as there were some people who didn’t manage to watch Kashmir Files during current booking yet they went out of their way in watching Bachchhaan Paaande instead. This sort of thing had been happening for years now; mostly because moviegoers overlap each other so much especially when it came to holidays or days like today which make them feel alive again from all the celebrations that seem fitting for just such occasions.