On Monday, Independence Day, Laal Singh Chaddha and Raksha Bandhan were released in cinemas but neither of them managed to grab the attention of viewers, instead both films went down. Laal Singh Chaddha declined by a whopping 20% while Raksha Bandhan dropped by 10%. This was surprising, since on this day the two films should have both gone up by at least 20%. Had this been the case, their performance throughout the week would have been better and might have saved them from the expected crashing results. Unfortunately, this wasn’t to be and a drastic drop in numbers is unavoidable.
So Laal Singh Chaddha’s business had decreased from Rs. 10 crores on Sunday to Rs. 7.87 crores on Monday, whereas Raksha Bandhan saw an even sharper drop from Rs. 7.05 crores to Rs. 6.31 crores. This was highly shocking considering it was the end of an extended five–day weekend and both films ended up recording some of their lowest collections. Laal Singh Chaddha’s lowest earning was Rs. 7.26 crores on Friday and it just marginally increased to Rs. 7.87 crores on Monday. As for Raksha Bandhan, its lowest collection was Rs. 6.40 crores on Friday and dropped further to Rs. 7.05 crores on Monday. The scenario will likely become even more dismal as the week progresses with regular weekdays kicking in.
Presently, Laal Singh Chaddha has made a box office total of Rs. 45.83 crores in its first seven days. It is projected that the movie’s overall earnings for the period will not exceed Rs. 51-52 crores, which is far less than the opening day collections of Thugs of Hindostan [Rs. 52.25 crores]. Conversely, Raksha Bandhan must generate Rs. 50 crores in total as the five-day collection of the film stands at a mere Rs. 34.47 crores.
Hugely disappointing